In the wake of the tragic demise of Sia Fatu Kamara, a promising young Communications Executive at the Freetown City Council, Sierra Leone confronts once again the grim reality of domestic violence—a persistent plague ravaging our society silently. Sia’s untimely death serves as a brutal reminder of the urgency with which we must address the violence infiltrating our homes and …
Sierra Woman
President Bio’s appointment of Josephine Kamara as the Director General of the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation…
The recent video depicting the attack on a female referee following the FC Kallon (Female) versus…
Wata for Wata: Unveiling Struggles and Empowerment in Sierra Leone’s Quest for Water Access
by Sierraeyeby SierraeyePeering into the daily lives of Freetown’s suburban residents, the struggle for water access might seem…
Shaping Sierra Leone’s Future: Insights into the Crucial June 2023 Elections
by Sierraeyeby SierraeyeSierra Leone finds itself in a state of political tension and rising violence, posing a grave…
Sierraeye: What inspired you, as the leader of the Unity Party, to establish an all-female political…
In Memoriam: Dr. Bernadette Cole – A Trailblazer in Journalism and Education
by Sierraeyeby SierraeyeDr. Bernadette Cole, former Chair of the Independent Media Commission (IMC), passed away in Freetown this…
If you haven’t watched it, we strongly recommend “For the Love of Fatmata,” a powerful documentary…
Kush Epidemic Fuels Rise in Crime and Sexual Violence Against Girls in Sierra Leone
by Sierraeyeby SierraeyeSierra Leone is currently experiencing an epidemic of Kush, a synthetic drug that poses a grave…
Message one – I am Bintu Hawa Sesay. In 2004, I entered into a customary marriage…