Upholding Democracy and Ensuring a Peaceful Electoral Process

by Sierraeye

The upcoming June 24 elections in #SierraLeone marks an important milestone in the democratic journey of our nation. As we approach this crucial event, it is imperative that all stakeholders, including political parties, candidates, and citizens, work collectively to ensure that the elections are conducted in a free and fair manner. To achieve this goal, it is vital that we uphold the principles of democracy, respect for human rights, and the rule of law.

To guarantee the integrity of the electoral process, all sides must commit to a peaceful and inclusive campaign environment. No intimidation, coercion, or harassment of any political party, candidate, or voter should be tolerated. Every individual and organization involved in the elections must actively strive to create an atmosphere where open dialogue and diverse opinions can flourish, enabling the electorate to make informed decisions without fear or undue influence.

Furthermore, all sides should adhere to the electoral timetable released by @ECsalone allowing for fair and equal opportunities for campaigning throughout the country. Access to all regions and constituencies must be granted to political parties and candidates, ensuring that their messages and policies reach all voters. Such a level playing field is crucial for fostering a robust democratic process and enabling the people of #SierraLeone to exercise their right to choose their representatives freely.

In the spirit of democracy, it is of utmost importance that videos or any form of communication that threatens harm or incites violence against opponents be condemned. Such actions run counter to the principles of free and fair elections, as they undermine the essence of democracy itself. We must reject and denounce any attempts to employ violence or intimidation as a means to achieve political objectives. Instead, let us embrace respectful and constructive engagement to ensure a healthy and vibrant democratic process.

We have made significant strides in strengthening our democratic institutions, and the upcoming June 24 elections provide an opportunity to further consolidate these gains. By upholding the principles of free and fair elections, respecting the rights and dignity of all citizens, and rejecting any form of intimidation or violence, we can continue on the path towards a prosperous and democratic future.

We, therefore, urge all political parties, candidates, @ECsalone, @PPRCSL civil society organizations, and our beloved compatriots to stand together and commit to ensuring that the June 24 elections are conducted in a manner that upholds the values of democracy, fairness, and inclusivity.

Let us remember that a strong and vibrant democracy is built on the foundation of respect, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence. Let us demonstrate our commitment to these values as we embark on this important democratic exercise. #SierraLeoneDecides2023

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